Add comment after updates have been checked in to TFS

In VS 2010:

  1. View –>Other Windows –> Source Control Explorer
  2. Find the project and expand it and if you know which file you did change find that and right click and view history
  3. Once the history open–>Right click on the specific date and select–>Change-set details
  4. Add the comment

team foundation server 2010 force unlock

Deleting the old workspace is probably what you want to do. You can do this with the tf workspace command ( ), but an easier method is to use the free TFS Sidekicks add-on which gives you a GUI to manage and delete workspaces:



SSRS Adding Existing projects to TFS 2010

New Project:

When you create a new soluction (File -> New Project), you will see a checkbox in the bottom right corner to add the solution to source control

Add existing Project:

If you have already created a solution, you can right click on the solution in the solution explorer, then select Add to source control.